Being a parent is a full-time job. Saving is crucial but sometimes you get busy

We help busy parents start saving and reach financial independence. So you can spend more time with those who matter the most to you

Want to start saving but No lump sum or capital? no worries

You'll automatically save 10% of every daily purchase or transaction you make on your credit cards.
Guarantee your child's financial securities.

Build your wealth Utilizing the power of the compounding effect

With a 7% annual interest. Every Riyal you save will add up with time.
Saving 10 SR weekly for 20 years will turn 9,610 SR of the principal amount saved into 20,999 SR.

No Hidden Fees or Extra charges

Take control of your finances. Know how much you spending. Starting with 5 SR per month.

We automate your saving, so you can earn the peace of mind you deserve

Learn how to get closer to your financial independence

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